3 Easy Ways To Start Decluttering Your Home


Do you want to start decluttering your home but are having trouble trying to start?

Below are some easy ways to start decluttering your home.

3 Easy Ways to Start Decluttering Your Home

3 Easy Ways to Start Decluttering Your Home1. Tackle one room at a time.

Sometimes the amount of clutter in our homes can be overwhelming when we try to get it all done at once. Start by tackling one room at time. It will ease your stress, and when at least one room is decluttered, the results of that room will motivate you to keep going!

2. Get rid of things you no longer need. 

Sometimes it’s easy to hold on to things. However, getting rid of stuff you no longer need is a great place to start decluttering because holding on to things you no longer need can often lead to more and more clutter.

If you need some inspiration on things to start letting go, check out this helpful video above from a declutter expert called 25 things you can declutter and let go of today!

3.  Start decluttering by using a minimalist approach.

You don’t have to be a minimalist! However, approaching your clutter like a minimalist is another way to start decluttering your home. Still need some convincing? Check out the video below of this mom’s take on decluttering and minimalism.

A minimalist strives to only use things that serve a purpose. You’ll make your life easier when you no longer have to maintain things in your home that no longer serve a purpose in your life.


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